I recently read "Steal Like An Artist", and it told me that all creatives are just a combination of their inspirations. And all of the artists that inspire them had inspirations of their own. It's an endless cycle of artists sparking passion in the souls of new artists.
I realized that my creativity is purely a unique collage of all of the artists and works that inspire me. I wanted to find a way to pay homage to my inspirations.
A passion I have, which I've never endeavored to try, is fashion design. While I do not claim to be a fashion expert, nor even a very good designer, I do enjoy fashion and have an eye for it. I felt like building a line of clothing would be a perfect way to portray the idea of creative successors.
So, without further ado, I present to you "Fusing Fashion" - an initiative designed to pay tribute to my inspirations. Just as I am a combination of the creative minds who preceded me, each outfit I have designed is a combination of two culturally iconic outfits.